Gun control is destined to fail – by Raymond Azar


If gun control goes through, it will be destined to fail just as the endless war against drugs has. 

There is no way of solving a problem when the approach is to attack the product’s supply, and the structure of the problem that generates the demand is overlooked. 

Have you ever seen an addict cured thanks to banning drug sales? The answer is NO

The same thing happens with mass murderers —you do not control them by banning gun ownership. It is so irrational and naive which makes it an illogical option doomed to fail. With bans, no values are built. Quite the opposite. 

This is not an age or a free access issue, but a cultural and educational one. Gun control will not stop gun circulation. The black market will grow and that is inevitable. Those who do not see this is because they do not wish to. 

You cannot expect a different result from policies that have failed throughout history. 

Gun control will only increase gun circulation, their value and their access to the most unwanted kind. 

The mother of Salvador Ramos, the man responsible for the Texas shooting, said that his son ‘‘had his reasons to do what he did’’ and asked not to judge him. Was his mother justifying him or did she know?  Such a thoughtless statement after 18 children were mercilessly killed makes no sense. 

Salvador Ramos’ mother’s statement.

This is an example of a broken home and the lack of a mother figure. The problem with Ramos was not the free access to guns; his problem was one of education, the result of a family’s neglect that overlooked the abnormal behavior of the murderer. 

Salvador Ramos

The popular proposal for gun control will bring about a rise in the black market and the State’s absolutism, destroying America’s second amendment. 

Who will have access to the black market? Easy: criminals, not good people. 

Unprotected against the State and criminals? In a multicultural country with a population of over 340 million, the chances of this ending well are zero. 


After two mass shootings, one in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, and another one in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, gun control and school security related problems have become the center of national and international discourse. 

Rasmussen Reports published a survey this Tuesday, 31st May which revealed that «40% of prospective American voters think that mental health is more responsible for mass shootings by young men in America», while 30% blame «free firearm access».

Democrats have greatly focused on pushing new gun control measures, while many Republicans point to mental health issues, arguing that gun control laws will not stop criminals. 

Other things to blame

According to the survey, 10% «think that family problems are more responsible for mass shootings», while another 10% «blame social media». 

«Only 4% think that buying problems are the culprits», the survey showed. 

Note: the survey has a margin of error of about  +/- 3 percentage points, with a trust level of 95%. 


Those who want to commit a homicide, an attack, etc., will always find the way. Even more when there are restrictions as they only generate defiance and schemes to step over the law.

The root of this problem comes from the home and education. And if it remains unaddressed, the journey is bound to fail. 

While some believe that it will be possible to ban guns with obsolete laws that have failed in the past, others are already building homemade guns with handcrafted ammunition. 

On the other hand, the people who want to enter the gun debate know nothing about them, neither the preventive or restrictive measures. They only propose extreme measures which they repeat from the media. 


If we allow them to  strip us of our right to defend ourselves, the price to pay will be very high. 

No restrictive law or prohibition will ever be as effective as a strong home.