The Freedom Post continues to grow and launches German language section


At The Freedom Post we continue to grow in the communicational / international arena, and we are pleased to announce that we continue to expand: this time entering into the European market, to publish news in German.

In addition to maintaining our usual news and opinion articles in Spanish and English (the latter language since a few months ago) we have decided to serve to the German-speaking audience, which has already started to grow with readers from Germany and Austria.

Bringing first hand all the information on political, economic and social events in the world, Europe and Latin America, as well as general interest information, events, sports, without leaving aside the most viral news in the current scene, we continue to be The Freedom Post: what other media do not dare to publish.

Esta y otras noticias en nuestro canal de Telegram TFPOficial; siguenos tambien por Instagram thefreedompost_